Our Story

How it all started...

It all began with seven families who were seeking to establish a new soul-winning, New Testament Baptist Church in this area. Crossroads Baptist Church was organized on October 24, 1994. The families met together in their homes for services until December 1994, when they had opportunity to rent space in the Carthage YMCA. Pastor Ernest Feiste (1995) and Pastor Jay Allbright (1996) came to help the small congregation as they tried to carry out the Great Commission - reaching those in our local area, as well as beginning to support missionaries to reach the uttermost parts of the world. Dr. Jim L. Brown accepted the call to pastor Crossroads Baptist Church in June of 1997. The church continued to grow and, in December of 1997, rented a church building in Carthage. God blessed as the church was able to expand the mission's ministry, begin bus routes to reach our local area, and lead souls to Christ. The church grew and in 1998 was able to build our present facility at 17531 State Highway 96. The building was dedicated on February 14, 1999, and continues to be a lighthouse to our community. In 2000, Dr. Jim Brown asked Robert Morgan to come to Carthage to work with him in this ministry. In 2002, Dr. Jim Brown resigned the church to return to Evangelism and Crossroads called Robert as its fourth pastor.

How it continued...

Crossroads continued to experience growth to the church body, and as a result, the church added on to the facility. In 2006, renovations were completed where the auditorium was expanded, offices were added, as well as additional Sunday School classrooms. Furthermore, Clint Silvertooth was brought on as the Associate Pastor in October of 2016.

Where we are headed...

Through all of God's blessings, both past and present, we do not believe God is finished with us yet! We pray that many more souls are reached with the gospel through the ministry of Crossroads Baptist Church. It's also our prayer and desire to see believers discipled, encouraged and challenged in their walk with Christ. We are anticipating great things in the future!

Be a part of our story...

Join us during our worship services.