
Pastors & Staff

Robert Morgan

Head Pastor

I was born in 1946 and born-again in 1973. Our family went to church, but church and faith (religion) was never talked about in our home. I do have a vivid memory of God tugging at my heart when I was young and even talking about being a missionary. But when the preacher and visiting missionary came to our house and brought it up, I denied it.

After High School and subsequently, five years in the military, I met a beautiful girl named Adele and we were married eleven months later. God has blessed us tremendously and has given us five wonderful children and ten grandchildren.

Eventually the Lord Jesus Christ did save me and put within my heart a desire to live for and to serve Him. Three months later I quit my secular job and started Bible College while pastoring a small country church.

After graduation I became a full-time pastor and we have served the Lord in four states over the years.

In 2000, Bro. Jim Brown asked us to come to Carthage to work with him in this ministry until he retired or died. But God had other plans for him. Two years after we came, he resigned the church to return to Evangelism. Crossroads Baptist Church called me as its fourth pastor. Here we are, still trying to bring glory to God through our lives and ministry.

Clint Silvertooth

Associate Pastor

Clint was born in Kilgore, Texas, in 1980 to Rusty and Ceil Silvertooth. Growing up in a pastor’s home, Clint was exposed to the gospel at an early age and accepted Christ at the age of five. He was blessed to grow up in a family with a testimony of faithfully serving the Lord.

Clint graduated from Union Christian Academy in Florien, Louisiana, in 1998. In that same year at the age of eighteen, Clint surrendered to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. In 1999 he moved to Carthage to participate in the Bible Institute at Crossroads Baptist Church under the leadership of Pastor Jim Brown, now deceased. After Brother Brown left Crossroads, Clint continued in the institute under the teaching of Dave Davis, a faithful layman.

Since moving to Carthage, Clint has been a faithful member of Crossroads Baptist Church. He has served in the bus ministry since 1999, was the Children’s Pastor for four years, has been the Youth Pastor since 2007 and became the Assistant Pastor in October 2016.

It was in Carthage that Clint met his wife, Tiffany (Miller) Silvertooth. They were married on July 22, 2006. Clint and Tiffany have two children, Ella and Elias.

Kevin Burns

Worship Leader

Kevin was born in Clinton, Oklahoma to Dr. John and Lunola Burns.  Kevin’s father was a Baptist pastor and student minister.  Both of Kevin’s grandfathers were deacons in their churches and one of them was a long-time music minister in several churches throughout Oklahoma.  Kevin accepted Christ as his Savior at the age of 9 during a church revival, thanks to the influence and example of his parents and grandparents.

During his high school years, Kevin had been feeling the call to ministry and accepted that call during his senior year at youth camp that summer.  His parents, along with several other mentors encouraged and supported him in his decision.

Kevin achieved a B.A. in English Literature in Oklahoma and a Masters of Divinity in Biblical Studies in Kansas City, Missouri in 1982.  In the years since that time, he has planted two churches, pastored other churches in both Oklahoma and Missouri and taught Bible and ministry courses for Southwest Baptist University.  Kevin became the minister of music at Crossroads Baptist Church in 2013 and also leads an adult Sunday School class.  

Kevin is married to Deanna, who serves as a church pianist, orchestra leader and VBS director for Crossroads.  They are blessed with four adult sons.  They continue to marvel at God’s grace, goodness and guidance through all the years.