Magnifying the Savior

And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.
-John 12:32

We seek Christ.

Crossroads Baptist Church - MO is a place where we seek to exalt Christ, encourage others, edify believers and evangelize the world.  It's our desire that those that walk through our doors will have an encounter with Christ that will be life changing, turning them from the bondage of sin to freedom and joy in the Savior. Join us for our Sunday services! 

We welcome all.

 From babies through adults, we have classes and ministries available to help encourage one another closer to a life devoted to Christ. 

Latest Sermon

We believe it's important to meet with a body of believers, but we also know that's not always possible. So, we have services live streamed and saved so you can watch them wherever you are.

Upcoming Events:

Gathering Times

Sundays at 10am & 11am, 6:30pm
Weds: 7pm